Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Best Laid Plans of Boneless Breasts

We had grand plans to grill chicken, asparagus, and hot peppers tonight, but alas, it rained.

Emerging from spinning with my favorite instructor (surprise!) to the opening of the skies, we knew it was not to be.
The letdown was assuaged with vodka tonics (and vodka Clear Splashes) and the marinated mass of victuals went into the oven.
It's never a night of cooking in our place until the smoke alarm pierces the air. It just did. Actually it's a good timer, and I am somewhat to blame. I have this compelling urge to broil all the time.

Time to eat!

On another note, Dr. Dinnerman and I are just loving Family Guy. I can't believe I never got into this show until the last couple of months! It's spot-on with the whole Rhode Island craziness thing. We've been laughing outloud. That's never a bad thing.

I may not know how to make my links look pretty, but I'm damn proud that I figured out how to upload photos to my Flickr account. It's slow going, but it's happening. Good things take time.

Check out my pics! They look better on a screen than in the viewfinder, I must say.

I put some up from our trip to Italy in June, and other random ones...I got a million in my camera still. More to come.

Continued apologies for the ugly linkages.

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